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Shabazz Palaces, #Cake: testo e video ufficiale

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#Cake è il nuovo singolo degli Shabazz Palaces, duo sperimentale di hip-hop capitanato da Ishmael Butler in arte Palaceer Lazaro e Tendai “Baba” Maraire.

In rotazione radiofonica in Italia dallo scorso 9 settembre, questa canzone è estratta dal nuovo album Lese Majesty, pubblicato a fine luglio via Sub Pop. Il disco fa seguito a Black Up, album in studio di debutto uscito nel 2011.

Lese Majesty propone un totale di diciotto tracce suddisive in sette suite e #CAKE fa parte della quarta suite battezzata Pleasure Milieu. L’album è stato prodotto da Shabazz Palaces e mixato da Blood at Protect e da Exalt Labs a Seattle. Ecco la tracklist dell’opera

Suite 1: The Phasing Shift
01 Dawn In Luxor
02 Forerunner Foray
03 They Come In Gold

Suite 2: Touch & Agree
04 Solemn Swears
05 Harem Aria
06 Noetic Noiromantics
07 The Ballad of Lt. Major Winnings

Suite 3: Palace War Council Meeting
08 Soundview
09 Ishmael
10 Down 155th in the MCM Snorkel

Suite 4: Pleasure Milieu
11 Divine of Form
12 #Cake

Suite 5: Federal Bureau Boys
13 Colluding Oligarchs
14 Suspicion of a Shape

Suite 6: High Climb To The Gallows
15 Mind Glitch Keytar Theme
16 Motion Sickness

Suite 7: Murkings On The Oxblood Starway
17 New Black Wave
18 Sonic Myth Map For the Trip Back

Alla composizione di questo lavoro hanno partecipato, oltre ai due componenti degli Shabazz Palaces, diversi collaboratori della scena black tra i quali Catherine Harris-White dei THEESatisfaction, Erik Blood e Thadillac.

Il 22 agosto 2014 è uscito nel canale Youtube dell’etichetta Sub Pop, il video ufficiale che accompagna il singolo #CAKE, che potete visionare cliccando sull’immagine sottostante.

Testo #Cake – Shabazz Palaces
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake

Lost inside a whirlwind
Eating cake
Sending kids of girlfriends
Eating cake
When I lay back in my bed cool
Eating cake
She set my mood, I push back the ropes
Eating cake
And when I see no whispers in our friends’ ear
Eating cake
His lust is just so sincere
Eating cake
Got the feeling she be right out
Eating cake
As the prevailer of the tight song
Eating cake
In Brasilia, off the balcony
Eating cake
It’s spending, the falconer
Eating cake
Lord, forgive me all these pleasures
Eating cake
He said, my son, just do what thy are
Eating cake
Will I ever have a clear mind while
Eating cake
Simple pleasures equal a fine
Eating cake
No matter, gold mine
Eating cake
Reverend days in mind
Eating cake
I bet this is always on my mind
Eating cake
I’m having my cake and I’m eating cake

Why rise the sun and not dance in its light
Make the gods laugh at such questions with the light
And inside, inside

I’m always late up high on pure blends
Eating cake
Trying to bend me is a dead end
Eating cake
Times I rock it as a sorcerer
Eating cake
They gonna always slice my portion, bro
Eating cake
Since they gunned me to a smirk
Eating cake
I get to dreaming, pain, hurt
Eating cake
I drew it up and put it in a tray
Eating cake
I was filthy playing low
Eating cake
To all my hustles good as a tsar
Eating cake
Secret meetings in the stratosphere
Eating cake

Let’s feel in all the clear and let it leave
The gift, walk, let it waver
Why not save the flavor

Early, [..]Alabam, Dallas, Atlanta, O Town
[..] Seattle, Neptune [..] Congo Rio Brazil Paris


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